Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bedrock City Nails

So DD (dear daughter) thinks I should name all the nail designs, or rather, that I should let her do it! I did this sculpted acrylic set on her in March, and they were so pretty and fun! A little too wild and crazy, maybe, for those new to seeing some pizzazz in a nail tip, but we'll convert them one at a time. :D Rather than the typical "tiger stripes" or whatever, she came up with "Bedrock City". Don't they look just like what Wilma & Betty would have worn if they had been lucky enough to have acrylics? We loved these in Neon Pink with Rainbow Black, but just about any colors would work.

DD is definitely a challenge client. She has teeny-tiny little nail beds that are sunken down in deep cuticles, plus she has ski-jump nails! So she has to get a fill about every 7-8 days or she starts lifting. On top of that she's a picker. Give her the tiniest little speck that's not perfect, and she'll pick pick pick... which, btw, causes lifting! Her record for keeping nails on without any lifting is about 10 days, and that set was done by my favorite Young Nails guru - Tracey, down in California - what a talented lady! I'm guessing the only way to beat that record would be using tiling cement? Hmmmm....


  1. I love the idea of (dd) naming all your creations!! Very novel. So when are you moving in?!!! Oh, you probably already did that-ha ha, weeellllll.... everything else is going so fast! I really hope you have fun putting this all together. I know I will have fun reading about it:) loves to you h

  2. You. Are. So. Funny. Not moved in yet, but I got the call that the lease is ready to be signed...


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