Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, Happy Feet!

Here's a picture of my RockStar toes at day 30. I'm ready for a new color, but they're holding up well. I finally got around to my LO-O-O-NG overdue pedicure, since I had NO takers who wanted to give me one! I absolutely love, love, love the Footlogix line and am so glad I chose it for the studio foot services. Here's a before and after... Stop reading now if you're squeamish. I had a close-up up the big toe which really shows how great this stuff is, but really, e-e-ewww.


  1. Candice, the place looks great! I'm so excited for you!

    This is Amber, the teller from Horizon Bank. I went in the other day and the girls gave me your card :).

  2. Hi! This is Alex from Footlogix! We are so glad that you enjoy using the Footlogix Callus Softener and hope you enjoy the rest of the line as well. Is your business listed on our website's spa locator? If not, send us a message on our facebook page. Keep up the great work!


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